of the Education Department of Akimat of Kostanay oblast

 Was founded in 1963           


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22 сентября 2022 года в фойе Костанайского педагогического колледжа сотрудниками библиотеки организована выставка «Новое поступление книг», с целью развития и поддержка культуры чтения, сохранения историко-культурного и духовного наследия, развития у обучающихся бережного отношения к родному языку. В рамках реализации Республиканского проекта «Читающий колледж» в августе-сентябре 2022 года было приобретено 350 экземпляров книг.

Each person forms an idea of ​​a logo in less than ten seconds. Sometimes it directly depends on whether you like this or that brand or not. The importance of a quality logo is beyond doubt, but approaches to its development can be very different.

Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:38

Let's try something new

On May 30, 2022, on the basis of the Sarykol College of Agribusiness and Law of the Department of Education of the Akimat of the Kostanay region, the regional competition "Hackathon of Ideas" was held among students of technical and vocational education organizations of the Kostanay region.

Monitoring participation in the NPC, publications of articles by teachers of the Department of Choreography for the 2021-2022 academic year at an insufficient level.

The demand for graduates of vocational education institutions is one of the main, objective and independent indicators of the quality of specialist training. The independence of this indicator is determined primarily by the labor market in the region, and work in the acquired specialty for two to three years is an indicator of the interaction between the employer and the educational institution.

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