Qostanaı oblysy ákіmdіgі Bіlіm basqarmasynyń


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Qabyldaý Bykovskıı 9 k-sі, 1B bölıgı
Qabyldaý bólіmі: +7 (7142) 26 26 41



01140100 Бастауыш оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі, біліктілігі 4s01140101 бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі, орыс тілі, 3 курс, негізгі орта білім беру базасында бір бюджеттік орын босады.

Жаңалықтар мұрағаты

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College today

Today Kostanay pedagogical college is one of the leading organizations of technical and professional education in Kostanay region.

The college realizes educational activity on the basis of license 0161336 of 31.07.2013 on following specialities: 0101000 Preschool education and training, 0105000 Primary education, 0403000 Social-cultural activity and national art work (on a section); 0402000 Design (on a section), students receive following qualifications: 010101 3 educators of the preschool organizations, 010501 3 teacher of an primary education, 010503 3 teacher of foreign language of primary education, 040201 3 designer, 040301 3 teacher-organizer of leisure, the head of dancing group, 040301 3 teacher-organizer of leisure, the head of an orchestra (ensemble) of national instruments, 040301 3 teacher-organizer, the head of arts and crafts skill  group in the state and Russian languages.

The contingent of students comprises 806 pupils, of which 677 are trained under the state-guaranteed order and 129 are trained on a paying basis (with the full indemnification of expenses for training). There are 37 groups in college, of which 8 groups are taught in a state language of instruction and 29 groups in Russian. On extramural education department 218 students are on a paying basis, of which 127 are trained on a speciality «Preschool education and training» and 91 on a speciality "Primary education".

This year, for the first time, students were recruited to budget groups at the extramural education department on the state-guaranteed order. Kostanay pedagogical college is the only institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan, where students of the extramural department study free of charge.

Kostanay pedagogical college is a complex that includes 2 educational buildings with study rooms, assembly and sports halls, a library, a reading room. The college has a hall of residence, a canteen. The educational process in the college is equipped with modern computer equipment, there are 8 computer classes and 2 mobile classes. 

A creative and strong collective has formed in the college, which includes 99 teachers, including 1 Candidate of pedagogic sciences - Urazambetova Galiya Ulmeskhanovna, 34 teachers of the highest quality, first category has 21 teachers, 30 of second categories, without category - 14 people.

Since 2016, the college is one of the supporting organizations of the Kostanay region, in which there is a pilot project to integrate the program of moral and spiritual education "Self-cognition" into an integral educational process.

All full-time college students are members of the primary trade union organization, founded in 2013.

Many wonderful traditions have appeared in the college staff, these are: college graduates reunion, celebration of College Day, Teacher's Day, student initiation ceremony, subject weeks, undergraduates competitions, pedagogical olympiads, etc.




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