Qostanaı oblysy ákіmdіgі Bіlіm basqarmasynyń


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Qabyldaý Bykovskıı 9 k-sі, 1B bölıgı
Qabyldaý bólіmі: +7 (7142) 26 26 41



01140100 Бастауыш оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі, біліктілігі 4s01140101 бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі, орыс тілі, 3 курс, негізгі орта білім беру базасында бір бюджеттік орын босады.

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0403000 "Socio-cultural activities and folk art" Qualification 0403013-1

0403000 «Socio-cultural activities and folk art»

 Qualification 0403013-1

Qualification 0403013-1 «Teacher - organizer of leisure, the head of the dance team»

1.  The entrant has to show skills and knowledge of technique and expressiveness of choreographic art, plasticity of execution. Have artistry, musical ear, have creative data.

Creative exam consists of 3 stages:

- Lesson for viewing external data. It takes place in the following stages-the exercise of classical dance, work in the middle of the hall: jumps, combinations in the nature of folk and Kazakh dance, diagonal rotation, sketches. Evaluation criteria: technicality, eversion, step, flexibility, balloon, aplomb, musical ear, endurance.

- Show a choreographic composition (your dance)- to present a dance in any direction of choreography with a stage costume, with music on CD or flash card.

- Music listening-check the ear for music, music memory, sense of rhythm.

-Interview. Knowledge in the field of choreography – conceptual apparatus of classical dance, knowledge of leading choreographers and well-known dance groups of the world, Kazakhstan, Russia and other Psychodiagnostics of personal qualities is taken into account.

2. Consultations and preparatory courses are held in the period from 21 to 25 July in ballet classes. You should have a choreographic form: a dance swimsuit (black), leggings, ballet flats. Appearance must conform to the class: the collected hair, the dance form.

3. Failure to appear for consultation is considered to be a non-admission to the exam. No dance form is not allowed entrants to consultations.

Criteria of evaluation of educational and training work of the entrant on creative examination:

* exercise at the bench;

* work in the middle of the hall;

* work in the middle of the hall, diagonally, sketches;

* music listening;

* interview.

Total: maximum 10 points.

Criteria of evaluation of the dance number of the entrant on the creative exam " Composition of dance»

  • Technique and expressiveness of performance,
  • Dance literacy, compliance with the laws of dance composition and the rules of dance,
  • Stage culture,
  • The presence of a dance costume,
  • The presence of musical accompaniment (on SD disks or flash card)
  • Artistry.

Total: maximum 15 points.





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