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01140100 Бастауыш оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі, біліктілігі 4s01140101 бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі, орыс тілі, 3 курс, негізгі орта білім беру базасында бір бюджеттік орын босады.

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Дүйсенбі, 19 наурыздың 2018 16:21

Code of honor students of Kostanay pedagogical College

Code of honor


students of Kostanay pedagogical College

We, students of kspc "Kostanay pedagogical College" Of education Department of Kostanay region akimat (hereinafter - College), guided by the generally recognized moral values and recognizing the mission of the College, consider it an obligation to comply with the rules of business and professional ethics, thereby improving their personal and professional levels. We intend to develop the corporate spirit of the College in order to create optimal conditions for obtaining knowledge and forming an active life position.

By adopting the code of honor of students of Kostanay pedagogical College (hereinafter – the code of honor), we reserve our followers the natural right to clarify and Supplement this Code.

This code of honor is intended to regulate the ethical conduct of College students.


Education of students in the College is designed to ensure the constitutional right of citizens to education and the implementation of the following goals:

  • obtaining knowledge, skills, high qualification and on the basis of this full demand for specialist;
  • to become one of the best highly qualified specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to be worthy teachers of a modern school.

1 General provisions of the internal regulations

1.1 internal regulations - the order of all types of training sessions, scientific, educational and other activities and requirements for the behavior of students in College. Academic discipline-is mandatory for all students submission to the established order, the implementation of work curricula, programs, attendance at College and proper performance of assigned duties.

1.2 internal regulations and academic discipline are determined by:

Normative acts of state bodies;

* College statutes;

• This Code of honor;

* Director's orders;

* Recommendations and requirements of heads of departments.

The College follows the order of the day:

1 pair 8.30-9.50

2 pair 10.00-11.20

3 pair 11.40-13.00

4 pair 13.30-14.50

5 pair 15.00-16.20

6 pair 16.30-17.50

7 pair 18.00-19.20

1.3 Educational, scientific, educational, ideological, cultural, mass and sports and recreational work with students is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and programs.

2 Basic rights of College students

College students are eligible:

2.1 to receive education in accordance with the state obligatory standard of technical and vocational education.

2.2 Transfer to training in another specialty, another form of education in the prescribed manner.

2.3 Use the premises of the College, its equipment, educational, scientific, fiction, technical means of training during training sessions and independent study.

2.4 Participate in research work.

2.5 to Create student self-government bodies; to join public organizations established in accordance with the current legislation.

2.6 Participate, including through the student government, public organizations in addressing issues of the College, student life.

2.7 to Send appeals to the management of the College and structural units on all issues of life of students: the quality of the educational process, leisure, catering, medical care, accommodation in a hostel and other issues.

2.8 to Participate in free time activities in clubs, groups and other units in the College.

2.9 Attend activities that are conducted by the College for students outside of the work curriculum.

2.10 Nonresident College students are provided with living space in the College dormitory for the period of study (in accordance with the regulations on the hostel of Kostanay pedagogical College, internal regulations in the hostel).

2.11 take part in intracollegiate competitions for the "Best group", "Best appearance".

3 main responsibilities of College students

College students are required to:

3.1 Comply with this code of honor and all regulations relating to their activities in the College.

3.2 Profoundly acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the chosen specialty.

3.3 to Master the socio-political Sciences, improve their ideological, theoretical, scientific and cultural levels.

3.4 Attend training sessions and perform all types of tasks provided by the working curriculum and programs within the established time limits.

3.5 to prevent violations of discipline, timely implementation of all directives and requirements of the management of the College.

3.6 Provide together with the statement the bypass sheet issued in accordance with the established procedure at dismissal from College, or at leaving on academic leave and unforeseen circumstances.

3.7 Students receiving education on a contractual basis, pay tuition fees within the terms established by the agreement.

3.8 Carefully and carefully to the property of the College (equipment, training AIDS, devices, books, etc.), not to make it out of College without permission.

3.9 to be responsible for material damage to the College.

3.10 to Maintain the honor and dignity of the College student by their behavior, attitude to learning, to take care of improving the image of the College, to appreciate its traditions.

3.11 Observe the rules of conduct in public places.

3.12 maintain cleanliness and order in College.

3.13 to be disciplined and tidy in College premises, dormitories, on the street and in public places.

3.14 to Use the allocated resource for work on the Internet for educational and research purposes.

3.15 in case of failure to attend classes for valid reasons (disease, other valid circumstances) to inform the curator, and on the first day of attendance at the College to submit a document confirming the reasons for missing classes. In case of illness, the head of the Department shall submit a certificate of the established sample of the relevant medical institution.

3.16 Proper cleanliness and order in the premises of the College, in the fixed area provides technical staff and students on the basis of self-service in accordance with the established College schedule.

4 rules of conduct and the attending of classes in College

4.1 entry of students into the classroom after the call is prohibited until the announcement of the break.

4.2 when entering the College Director, members of the administration, teachers in the classroom, students are required to get up.

4.3 after the beginning of classes, all educational and adjacent premises shall be provided with the silence and order necessary for the normal course of training sessions. It is unacceptable to interrupt training sessions, to enter and leave the classroom during them.

4.4 mobile phones and other personal means of communication belonging to students shall be switched off.

4.5 for practical training in classrooms, training workshops, students of a particular specialty are divided into groups. The composition of the groups established by order of the Director of the College.

4.6 in each educational group the order of the head of Department appoints the headman, as a rule, from among the most successful, disciplined students.

4.7 the Head is subject to the curator, directly - the head of the Department and brings to the attention of the group all orders and instructions of the College administration.

The warden must:

4.8 Keep a personal record of students attending all types of training sessions; provide the head of the Department with a weekly report on the absence or lateness of students to classes with reasons.

4.9 Observe the sanitary condition of the classroom, the safety of educational equipment and inventory.

4.10 organize Timely receipt and distribution of textbooks and teaching AIDS among students.

4.11 Notify students about changes made to the schedule of classes of the educational part.

4.12 to Assign on each day basis on duty for the group.

4.13 to Help head of the Department during the examination and registration record books, student cards, the data point average and the ratio to the granting of the scholarship.

4.14 to Attend meetings of the heads of the groups of the course pursued by the heads of departments.

4.15 Interact with the educational part, the head of the Department, curators of educational groups, student self-government bodies to improve the educational, scientific, social life of the group.

4.16 to Organize (together with the student Council) a group for socially useful work, for conducting and participating in cultural, sports and recreational and other activities.

4.17 Monitor and prevent conflict situations in the group.

5 Basic rules of behavior of students in College

5.1 in the premises of the College is prohibited:

* walking in hats, untidy;

* conducting loud conversations, noise, walking the corridors during classes;

* Smoking at the entrance to the educational building and hostel, in buildings, premises, sports facilities, as well as on the territory of the College and hostel, drinking alcohol, using drugs and toxic substances; appearance in a state of alcoholic and narcotic intoxication in the premises of the College and hostel.

5.2 Students should be friendly and courteous to teachers, staff and other students.

5.3 Upon detection of fire sources, and other threats to the property of the College shall immediately notify the heads of the College, attendant, security guard or teachers.

5.4 the relationship of the College with students ' parents (or persons in Loco parentis) must be made through the supervisors, head of Department, Deputy Director.

6 Encouraging students

6.1 for excellent and good performance, active participation in research work, in sports and social life of the College of the day of students the following measures of encouragement are established:

• the announcement of gratitude;

• the awarding of diplomas.

.2 Encouragement is declared by the order of the Director in coordination with trade-Union Committee, Council of student's self-government, is brought to the attention of students at meetings. The extract from the order on encouragement is stored in the personal file of the student.


6.3 Parents of well-performing, disciplined, successful in research, sports, cultural and social work of students are sent letters of thanks to the Director of the College (Deputy Director for academic Affairs, Deputy Director for educational work, head of the Department).


7 responsibility of students for violation of internal educational regulations


7.1 Violation of the established Rules of the internal regulations of the College is a disciplinary offense, for which one of the following disciplinary measures may be applied:



expulsion from the College.

7.2 the right to apply and choose a disciplinary measure belongs to the Director of the College and other officials, taking into account the degree of fault of the offender, the severity of the offense, the previous and subsequent behavior of the offender and the circumstances in which the offense was committed.

8 Expulsion of students

8.1 Students may be expelled from the College:

at own will;

in connection with the transfer to another educational organization;

for academic failure (failed to pass the exam in session for 3 or more disciplines; not eliminated in a timely academic debt; have not executed internship program; received a failing grade in the defense of the internship report, in the exam again with two unsatisfactory grades on the exams);

for systematic (or rough) violations of the Charter of College, internal regulations, internal regulations In the hostel; orders and orders of the management of College, other local acts;

in connection with the provision of documents with knowingly false information;

in connection with the entry into force of the sentence of the court, which was sentenced, excluding the possibility of continuing education.

8.2 for systematic violation of the Internal regulations in the College dormitory, students may be deprived of the right to stay in the hostel (in accordance with the Regulations on the College dormitory, the internal regulations of the hostel).


8.3 Exclusion from the number of College students for disciplinary offenses or deprivation of the right of residence in the hostel is made on the basis of the order of the Director in coordination with the trade Union Committee of students, the student self-government body, the prevention Council.

9 Disciplinary punishments

9.1 Prior to the application of disciplinary measures, an official authorized to make a decision on punishment shall be obliged to request a written explanation from the student. Refusal to give an explanation is not an obstacle to the application of the penalty and is issued by an act with the indication of witnesses present at the same time.

9.2 only one disciplinary sanction may be imposed for each disciplinary offence.

9.3 Disciplinary punishment shall be applied after the Commission of the offense, but not later than one month from the date of its detection (not counting the time of illness or the student's stay on vacation) and not later than 6 months from the date of the offense.

9.4 if within one year from the date of application of the disciplinary sanction the student is not subjected to a new disciplinary sanction, he / she shall be deemed not to be subjected to the disciplinary sanction. In this case, the disciplinary penalty is repaid automatically, without issuing an order.

9.5 the Disciplinary penalty may be lifted ahead of schedule before the end of the year at the request of the curator.




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