Qostanaı oblysy ákіmdіgі Bіlіm basqarmasynyń


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Qabyldaý Bykovskıı 9 k-sі, 1B bölıgı
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01140100 Бастауыш оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі, біліктілігі 4s01140101 бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі, орыс тілі, 3 курс, негізгі орта білім беру базасында бір бюджеттік орын босады.

Жаңалықтар мұрағаты

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Specialties on the basis of 9 classes

Specialty: 01120100 Preschool education and training

Qualification: 4S01120102 Educator of the organization of preschool education and training

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Model Rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, it is provided enrollment of applicants according to the average score of academic subjects (language of instruction and profile) of documents on basic secondary education.


Specialty: 01140100 Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Qualification: 4S01140101 Primary education teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Model Rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, it is provided enrollment of applicants according to the average score of academic subjects (language of instruction and profile) of documents on basic secondary education.


Qualification: 4S01140102 Teacher of a foreign language of primary education

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Model Rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, it is provided enrollment of applicants according to the average score of academic subjects (language of instruction and profile) of documents on basic secondary education.


Specialty: 02151000 Folk art (by type)

Qualification: 4S02151001 Leader of an amateur choreographic group, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.


Qualification: 4S02151002 Leader of an amateur orchestra (ensemble) of folk instruments, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.


Qualification: 4S02151003 Leader of the arts and crafts group, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.


Qualification: 4S02151004 Music director of the children's group, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.

 List of documents required for admission:

  • Application for admission in any form;

  • Original document on education;

  • Photos size 3x4 in the amount of 4 pieces;

  • The document proving the identity (for identification);

  • Certificate of unified national testing or complex testing (if any);

  • Medical certificate of form 0-86U with the application of the flurosnimka (for disabled persons of group I and II and disabled persons from childhood conclusion of medical and social examination), approved by the order of the Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 № 907(registered in the Register of state registration of normative legal acts № 6697).

Acceptance of documents from June 20 to August 20

To the Department of culture from June 20 to July 20

Scholarship: excellent students - 24 092 tenge, good students - 20 949 tenge 

Travel 2 times a year for 5 834 tenge




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