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01140100 Бастауыш оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі, біліктілігі 4s01140101 бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі, орыс тілі, 3 курс, негізгі орта білім беру базасында бір бюджеттік орын босады.

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0403000 "Socio-cultural activities and folk art "

Qualification 0403013


Qualification 0403013 "teacher-organizer, head of the orchestra of folk instruments", " teacher-organizer, head of the children's musical group»

Entrance examinations should identify the degree of preparedness and talent of the applicant in the field of their chosen specialty.

2 applicants take a competitive examination:

1. Vocal and instrumental skills.

2. Musical data and musical abilities.

Applicants pass the competitive exam in music in the following volume:

1. Possession of the instrument (singing).

2. Sense of rhythm.

3. Intonation.

4. Ear for music.

5. Musical memory.

Make demands:

The entrant must show playing a musical instrument or singing a song.

Have a musical ear, a sense of rhythm, have a musical memory.

Evaluation criterion:

1. Possession of the tool (or the song) - 5 points

2. Sense of rhythm - 5 points

3. Intonation - 5 points

4. Musical ear-5 points

5. Musical memory-5 points

0403000 «Socio-cultural activities and folk art»

 Qualification 0403013-1

Qualification 0403013-1 «Teacher - organizer of leisure, the head of the dance team»

1.  The entrant has to show skills and knowledge of technique and expressiveness of choreographic art, plasticity of execution. Have artistry, musical ear, have creative data.

Creative exam consists of 3 stages:

- Lesson for viewing external data. It takes place in the following stages-the exercise of classical dance, work in the middle of the hall: jumps, combinations in the nature of folk and Kazakh dance, diagonal rotation, sketches. Evaluation criteria: technicality, eversion, step, flexibility, balloon, aplomb, musical ear, endurance.

- Show a choreographic composition (your dance)- to present a dance in any direction of choreography with a stage costume, with music on CD or flash card.

- Music listening-check the ear for music, music memory, sense of rhythm.

-Interview. Knowledge in the field of choreography – conceptual apparatus of classical dance, knowledge of leading choreographers and well-known dance groups of the world, Kazakhstan, Russia and other Psychodiagnostics of personal qualities is taken into account.

2. Consultations and preparatory courses are held in the period from 21 to 25 July in ballet classes. You should have a choreographic form: a dance swimsuit (black), leggings, ballet flats. Appearance must conform to the class: the collected hair, the dance form.

3. Failure to appear for consultation is considered to be a non-admission to the exam. No dance form is not allowed entrants to consultations.

Criteria of evaluation of educational and training work of the entrant on creative examination:

* exercise at the bench;

* work in the middle of the hall;

* work in the middle of the hall, diagonally, sketches;

* music listening;

* interview.

Total: maximum 10 points.

Criteria of evaluation of the dance number of the entrant on the creative exam " Composition of dance»

  • Technique and expressiveness of performance,
  • Dance literacy, compliance with the laws of dance composition and the rules of dance,
  • Stage culture,
  • The presence of a dance costume,
  • The presence of musical accompaniment (on SD disks or flash card)
  • Artistry.

Total: maximum 15 points.


Сенбі, 10 қараша 2018 14:24

Specialties on the basis of 11 classes

Specialty: 01120100 Preschool education and training

Qualification: 4S01120102 Educator of the organization of preschool education and

Duration of training: 2 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language: Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of academic subjects ( language of instruction and profile) documents on general secondary education.


Specialty: 01140100 Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Qualification 4S01140101 Primary Education Teacher

Duration of training: 2 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of instruction: Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of academic subjects ( language of instruction and profile) documents on general secondary education.


 List of documents required for admission:

  • Application for admission in any form;

  • Original document on education;

  • Photos size 3x4 in the amount of 4 pieces;

  • The document proving the identity (for identification);

  • Certificate of Unified national testing or complex testing (if any);

  • Medical certificate of form 0-86U with the application of fluorography (for the disabled of groups I and II and disabled since childhood medical and social examination), approved by order of the Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 № 907 (registered in the Register of state registration of legal acts № 6697)

Acceptance of documents from June 20 to August 20

Scholarship: honors - 24 092 tenge, good students - 20 949 tenge

Travel 2 times a year for 5 834 tenge

Сенбі, 10 қараша 2018 14:11

Specialties on the basis of 9 classes

Specialty: 01120100 Preschool education and training

Qualification: 4S01120102 Educator of the organization of preschool education and training

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Model Rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, it is provided enrollment of applicants according to the average score of academic subjects (language of instruction and profile) of documents on basic secondary education.


Specialty: 01140100 Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Qualification: 4S01140101 Primary education teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Model Rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, it is provided enrollment of applicants according to the average score of academic subjects (language of instruction and profile) of documents on basic secondary education.


Qualification: 4S01140102 Teacher of a foreign language of primary education

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Model Rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, it is provided enrollment of applicants according to the average score of academic subjects (language of instruction and profile) of documents on basic secondary education.


Specialty: 02151000 Folk art (by type)

Qualification: 4S02151001 Leader of an amateur choreographic group, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh, Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.


Qualification: 4S02151002 Leader of an amateur orchestra (ensemble) of folk instruments, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Kazakh

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.


Qualification: 4S02151003 Leader of the arts and crafts group, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.


Qualification: 4S02151004 Music director of the children's group, teacher

Duration of training: 3 years 10 months

Form of study: full-time

Language of study: Russian

In accordance with the Standard rules for admission to training in educational institutions implementing educational programs of technical and vocational, post-secondary education, approved by order of the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 18, 2018 №578, enrollment of applicants is envisaged according to the average score of the academic subject (language of instruction) of documents on the main secondary education and creative exam.

 List of documents required for admission:

  • Application for admission in any form;

  • Original document on education;

  • Photos size 3x4 in the amount of 4 pieces;

  • The document proving the identity (for identification);

  • Certificate of unified national testing or complex testing (if any);

  • Medical certificate of form 0-86U with the application of the flurosnimka (for disabled persons of group I and II and disabled persons from childhood conclusion of medical and social examination), approved by the order of the Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 № 907(registered in the Register of state registration of normative legal acts № 6697).

Acceptance of documents from June 20 to August 20

To the Department of culture from June 20 to July 20

Scholarship: excellent students - 24 092 tenge, good students - 20 949 tenge 

Travel 2 times a year for 5 834 tenge

Сенбі, 10 қараша 2018 14:08

Information about specialtiesм

Сенбі, 10 қараша 2018 12:49

Rules of Teaching Ethics


by order of MES RK

dated January 8, 2016 No. 9

Rules of Teaching Ethics

1. General Provisions

1. These Rules of Pedagogical Ethics (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2007 on Education, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 23, 2015, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 18, 2015 the goal "On Combating Corruption", and also based on generally accepted moral principles and norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The rules are a set of general principles and norms of pedagogical ethics that guide the teaching staff of educational organizations.

3. Knowledge and observance of the provisions of the Rules by pedagogical workers is one of the criteria for assessing the quality of their professional activities and labor discipline.

4. The text of the Rules of Pedagogical Ethics is placed in an accessible place for participants in the educational process.

2. Basic principles of pedagogical ethics

5. The main principles of pedagogical ethics are:

1) conscientiousness: the conscientiousness of the teacher implies his responsibility for the result of training and education, the ability to make adjustments in their activities, developed ability to criticize and reflect, openness to any opinions of students, parents, colleagues;

2) honesty: the honesty of the teacher implies the openness of his assessment activities, the transparency of the educational environment created by him. Honesty forbids the teacher to violate the rights of the student, his parents (legal representatives), colleagues;

3) respect for the honor and dignity of the individual: The teacher respects the honor and dignity of the student, parent, people who become the objects of his professional attention, tactful in dealing with them. He sincerely wishes the development of the child, shows readiness to always come to his aid, delicacy in assessing the success (failure) of the student. The use of methods of physical, moral and mental violence against the participants of the educational process is not allowed;

4) respect for universal human values: recognizing the priority of universal human values, the teacher respects the characteristics, values ​​and dignity of each national culture. The teacher educates the culture of interethnic relations, awakens in students respect for the rights and dignity of all nations and all people regardless of age, gender, language, nationality, religion, citizenship, origin, social, official and property status or any other circumstances; The teacher contributes to creating a climate of trust and respect in the school community;

5) professional solidarity: the teacher cares about the prestige of the profession, respects the honor and dignity of colleagues, does not allow actions detrimental to the authority of the teacher. It is not allowed in any form, abuse the trust of their colleagues, prevent them from fulfilling their professional duties, cause them or damage. The teacher assists colleagues in improving the level of theoretical and methodological skills in the development of creative abilities, comes to the aid of colleagues who are in trouble. Professional solidarity cannot serve as a justification for falsehood and injustice;

6) the continuity of professional development. The teacher improves his professional skills, intellectual, creative and general scientific level.

3. Basic norms of pedagogical ethics

6. In their activities, teaching staff:

1) contribute to the education of students and pupils in the spirit of high morality, respect for parents, ethnocultural values, respect for the world around them;

2) do not allow the accomplishment of actions capable of discrediting the high title of a pedagogical employee of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) conscientiously and efficiently perform their duties;

4) continuously improve their professional skills, are actively engaged in self-education and self-improvement;

5) strictly observe labor discipline;

6) carefully treat the property of the educational organization and do not use it for personal purposes;

7) take measures to prevent corruption; by their personal behavior they set an example of honesty, impartiality and justice;

8) do not allow the use of proprietary information for selfish and other personal purposes;

9) by personal example they contribute to the creation of a stable and positive moral and psychological situation in the team;

10) adhere to the business style of clothing in the period of execution of their official duties.

7. In relations with the participants of the educational process, teaching staff:

1) respect the rights, honor and dignity of a person, regardless of age, gender, nationality, religion, citizenship, origin, social, official or financial status or any other circumstances;

2) do not allow the facts of financial and other extortion in relation to the participants of the educational process, make efforts to prevent such actions by their colleagues;

3) by their actions do not give reason for justified criticism from society, tolerate it, use constructive criticism to eliminate shortcomings and improve their professional activities;

4) provide professional support to participants in the educational process.

8. In relations with colleagues, teaching staff:

1) comply with generally accepted moral and ethical standards, to be polite and correct.



Сенбі, 13 қазан 2018 10:31

Our achievements for the 2016-2017 academic year


1 place - the international competition of performers on folk instruments, Yuzhnouralsk, M. Nurgaliev

3 place - international basketball tournament, S. Gessel

The diploma is the international competition "Shabyt", Astana, A. Dukenova, K. Zharkenov

Nomination "Active participant" - international creative contest "Generous Autumn", A. Miroshnichenko, 2017


1 place - championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on street basketball, S. Gessel

1 place - republican pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher to gifted children" master’s degree, A. Bukenbayev.

A diploma of the 2nd degree in the contest "Best Master Class Development", the Republican Information and Methodological Center "Prosveshchenie" in Astana, L. Podkalyuk

The third place in the republican pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher - gifted children", section of natural and mathematical sciences, Zh. Demesinova

Laureates - VII Republican festival of the Polish song "Singing Polona", Kokshetau, E. Zavatskaya, A. Zavatskaya


Grand Prix - Flash mob contest among the Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions and universities, A. Dukenova, K. Zharkenov

Grand prix - flash mob contest among Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions and universities, college team in 2017

1 place - Regional Festival of Multimedia Projects (nomination "Web-programming, Web-design"), A. Duisenbayeva

1 st place - participation in the program of the 32 Games of the Kostanay region "Tselina - 2017" among men's teams, S. Gessel

1 place - regional competition of articles devoted to the 175th anniversary of I.Altynsarin, AD "NCQ" Orleu", T. Tkachenko

1 place - championship of Kostanay region in the shot put, 2016, I. Mehbaliyeva

1 place - track and field championship in Kostanay region for long jump, 2016, E. Vasilyuk

1 place - basketball 3х3 among teams of girls dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan among colleges of the city of Kostanay, 2016.

1 place - basketball 3х3 among teams of girls of the college in the age group 1999-2000 of birth, 2016.

1 place - basketball 3х3 among teams of college girls in the age group of 1996-98, 2016.

1 place - city sports days among secondary specialized schools on checkers, 2016, team

The first place is the regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", KEnEU, N. Muzdakbaeva

1 place - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", KEnEU, Zh.Kalieva

The first place is the regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", KEnEU, T. Tasbulatova

1 st place - IV Interregional scientific and practical conference of college students in a foreign language "Development of the creative potential of the individual and society", Pavlodar, 2017, I. Ismagulova

1 place - the regional festival of multimedia projects, 2017, O. Derkacheva, R. Bisikeev

1 place - scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of formation of ecological culture of youth", Rudny, 2017, V. Kusainova

The first place in the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in track and field athletics in long jump with a run, S. Uristemova

The first place is the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of Kazakhstan in track and field athletics at a distance of 100 meters, S. Uristemova

2 place - Olympiad "Erudite" regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryni", L. Podkalyuk

2 place - regional competition of translators dedicated to EXPO-2017, E. Ponomareva

2 place - city sports days among secondary special educational institutions in Togyz-kumalak, 2016, general team

2 place - a competition of scientific projects among teachers and students of the colleges "Otanim - tauelsiz Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017, S. Omirbek, Zh. Kalieva

2 place - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017" at KEnEU, A. Miroshnichenko

2 place - IV Interregional scientific and practical conference of students of colleges in a foreign language "Development of the creative potential of the individual and society", Pavlodar, 2017, S. Omirbek

2 place - scientific and practical conference "Intellectual potential of youth - a pledge of successful industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan", Kostanai, 2017, Polytechnic College, A. Boldusova and I. Ismagulova.

2 place - program 31 Spartakiad Games of Uzunkol region "Tyn-Tselina 2017" in track and field athletics (long jump), I. Mehbaliyeva

2 place - "Ak Biday" Regional Spartakiad of long jump, E. Vasyelyuk

2 place - track and field athletics championship of Kostanay region in the 50 m. race, 2016, E. Vasilyuk

3 place - basketball competition "25th anniversary of independence" - S.Gessel

3 place - V regional sports contest 2016 -2017

3 place - Open championship of the city of Lisakovsk in track and field athletics at the distance of 300m, 2016, I. Mekhbaliyeva

3  place - the track and field athletics championship of Kostanay region in the 50 m. race, 2016, E. Nikiforova

3 place - program 31 Spartakiad Games of Uzunkol region "Tyn-Tselina 2017" in track and field athletics (shot put), I. Mehbaliyeva

3 place - program 31 Spartakiad Games of Uzunkol region "Tyn-Tselina 2017" in track and field athletics (running 100 meters), I. Mehbaliyeva

The third place in the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in track and field athletics at the distance, S. Uristemova

The third place is the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in shooting from air rifles, S. Uristemova.

Nominations "Art" - the competition "Televisions "Zhyl adamy", G. Sokov.

Nominations "Choreography" - competition "Televisions "Zhyl adamy", A.Dukenova

Nominations "Television broadcast" - the contest "Televisions “Zhyl Adam", A. Moldakalikova

Nomination "Creative solution" - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", A. Batyrkhanova

Nomination "Creative decision" - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas- galym -2017", D. Khizhnyak

Сенбі, 13 қазан 2018 10:29

Our achievements for the 2015-2016 academic year


two nominations - scientific and practical conference of students of ChelSU with international participation, 2016, V. Orel, Sh. Bekmagambetova

nomination "Best interaction with children" - the international competition of professional skills "Sails of a dream 2016", Chelyabinsk, E. Safiannikova

prize of audience sympathy - international competition of professional skills "Sails of dreams 2016", Chelyabinsk, E. Safiannikova


1 place - "Panorama of Open Lessons of Young Specialists" Astana, 2015, B.Shayakhmetova

1 place - republican pedagogical Olympiad "Talented teacher-gifted children", 2016, a team of college students

1 place - republican essay contest "Who to be? How to be? ", 2016, A. Lukyanova

2 place - republican pedagogical Olympiad "Talented teacher-gifted children", 2016, teacher A. Bukenbayev

2 place - republican pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher-gifted children", 2016, graduate student G. Alembaeva

3  place - «ZIAT» nomination «Selected methodological developments», 2015, A. Mauletova

nomination "Master of her craft" - Republican Pedagogical Olympiad "Talented Teacher-Gifted Children", 2016, teacher Zh. Demesinova

nomination "Teacher-innovator" - republican pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher-gifted children", 2016, teacher D. Kamelenov

nomination, valuable prize - republican contest "My Shokan", 2015 – A. Kudiyarbekova, T. Tkachenko


1 place - the rankings of the VET in region, 2015, scientific-methodical workshop.

1 place - regional competition "Methodist of the year 2015", K. Zhunusova

1 place - National League of   Club of the Funny and Inventive «Summer Cup», 2015, T. Shigapova

1 place - Club of the Funny and Inventive "Dostar" Regional League, T. Shigapova, 2016.

1 place – regional competition in basketball, 2016, S. Gessel

1 place - contest "The 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate", 2015, T.Umbetov

1 place - the Cup of the city Debate tournament, 2015.

1 place - the regional championship for “Worldskills Kazakhstan-2016” "Preschool education", T. Fazylova

1 place - student scientific-practical conference KIEU, 2016, Abdieva U.А.

1 place - regional competition of folk music performers, devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016, A. Aitzhanov

1 place - regional competition «Dombyra duman», 2016, А.Aitzhanov

1 place - Olympiad in Informatics, KSU after A. Baitursynov, 2016, E. Malova

1 place – championship of Kostanay region in track and field athletics (400 m), E.Vasiliyuk

1 st place - Championship in Kostanay region in track and field athletics, 2016, E.Nikiforova

1 place – cross after T. Nadezhdinova, 2016, E. Marchenko

1 place - regional relay race on the prize newspaper "Kostanayskye novosti", 2016, the team of girls college

1 place – championship of Kostanay region in crossing (4 km), 2016, E. Marchenko

1 place - championship of Kostanay region in crossing (2 km), 2016, A. Esmesova

1 place - championship of Kostanay region in crossing (3 km), 2016, V. Povarnitsyn

1 place - championship of the Olympic track "Olympic hopes" (50, 200m), 2016, E. Vasiliyuk

1 place in the field athletics, dedicated to the fight with drug addiction and drug-dealing (50 m, 100 m), 2016, E. Vasiliyuk

1 place – relay race 4 x 100 m, 2016, a team of girls: E. Nikiforova, E. Vasilyuk, S. Butorina, D. Tkacheva

2 place - city competition of certified teachers "Certifying Teachers' Festival", 2016, A. Mauletova

2 place - VI regional competition of the authors of fine and decorative and applied arts "Zhas Tolkyn-2015", K. Miroshnichenko

2 place - VI regional competition of the authors of fine and decorative and applied arts "Zhas Tolkyn-2015", I. Miller

2 places - regional competition "Dombyr duman", 2016, A. Umurzakov

2 place - Olympiad in Informatics, KSU after A. Baitursynov, 2016, Y. Mukhina

2 place - participation in the run dedicated to the memory of friends - marathon runners "We are together", 2016, N.Shlykova

2 nd place - the championship of Kostanai region in track and field athletics, 2016, E.Nikiforova

2 nd place - city cross named after T. Nadezhdina, 2016, a team of college girls

2 nd place - championship of Kostanay region by cross-country (4 km), 2016, E. Boyko

2 place - the city championship in athletics "Olympic hopes" (50 m), 2016, E. Nikiforova

2 place - the city championship in track and field athletics, dedicated to the fight against drug addiction and drug business (200 m), 2016, D. Ospanov

2 place - the city championship in track and field athletics, dedicated to the fight against drug addiction and drug business (50 m), 2016, N. Shlykova

3 place - the city championship in track and field athletics devoted to the fight against drug addiction and drug business (200 m), 2016, N. Shlykova

3 place - Olympiad in Informatics, KSU after A. Baitursynov, 2016, D. Kotova

3 place - participation in the run dedicated to the memory of friends - marathon runners "We are together", 2016, E. Nikiforova

3 place - City Cup Debate tournament, 2015.

3 place - regional competition of innovative ideas and projects "Innovative thinking of youth as a guarantee of successful development of the country", 2015, V. Pishnev and V. Bokov

3 place - the championship of Kostanay region in track and field athletics in relay race (400 m), E. Vasilyuk

3 place - championship of Kostanay region on cross-country (4 km), 2016, N. Shlykova

3 place - the city championship in athletics "Olympic hopes" (200 m), 2016, E. Nikiforova

Diploma of the participant - regional competition of innovative ideas and projects "Innovative thinking of youth as a guarantee of successful development of the country", 2015, S.Kryukov

nomination "Teacher-Methodist" - regional competition "The best pedagogue-innovator 2015", S. Kryukov

Nomination - regional competition "Importance of the state language", KEnEU, 2016, S. Abdrakhman

Сенбі, 13 қазан 2018 10:26

Our achievements for the 2014-2015 academic year

International contests:

Grand Prix - international vocal competition "Moscow time", Moscow, 2015, Zhalgas Ryspaev

1 st place - creative competition "I and music", Yuzhnouralsk city, teacher T. Myzin

1 place - international dance competition "Moscow time", Moscow, teacher K. Zharkenov

1st place - international dance competition "Moscow time", Moscow, teacher A. Dukenova

1 place - the international vocal contest "Moscow time", Moscow, 2015, Diana Alshinbaeva

1 st place - international dance competition "Moscow time", Moscow, 2015, dance group of the college

2 nd place - international pedagogical Olympiad- a team of students, 2015.

3 rd place - XI All-Russia Festival of Folk Art named after A.P. Mystyukov "You are Russia, my heart and my song!", Lipetsk, teacher N. Berlimov

The third place in the international pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher for gifted children", teacher K. Zharkenov.

The third place - the rating of the colleges of Kazakhstan in terms of international standards (profile-pedagogical colleges), conducted by an independent agency for the accreditation of educational institutions.

3 rd place - XI All-Russia Festival of Folk Art named after A.P. Mystyukov "You are Russia, my heart and my song!", Lipetsk, teacher E. Ovsyannikova

The nomination " Master of his craft" - international pedagogical Olympiad "Talented Teacher for Gifted Children", teacher A. Bukenbaev


Super-Grand Prix - Republican contest "Kostanay-2014" - dance group of the college, 2014.

1 place - Republican competition "Panorama of young teachers open lessons", scientific and methodological center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher M. Borskiy.

1 place - republican essay contest, 2014, Rosa Gabidullina

1 place - championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among schoolchildren in skiing, 2014, Ulyana Klimova

1 place - republican contest of pedagogical detachments Shchuchinsk city nomination "Creative Review-2015" - college team, 2015

2 place - championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among schoolchildren in cross-country skiing, 2014, Ekaterina Boyko

2 place - the republican contest "Zhas galym", Astana, the scientific and practical center "Ziyat", the teacher A. Eralina.

2 place - Republican contest "My best presentation for the lesson", scientific and methodical center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher Y. Sukhova.

2 place - the national competition "My best presentation for the lesson", the scientific and methodological center "ZIAT", Astana, the teacher M. Borsky.

2 place - the republican contest " Panorama of young teachers open lessons", ZIAT Scientific and Methodological Center, Astana, teacher K. Zharkenov.

2 nd place - republican contest "Best Innovative Lesson", scientific and methodical center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher K. Zhunusova.

2 place - the republican contest "Best Innovative Lesson", scientific and methodical center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher S. Dospanova.

3 place is the republican competition "Zhas galym", the scientific and practical center "Ziyat", Astana, the teacher T. Stepanova.

3rd place - II Republican remote pedagogical competition "Innovative methods and technologies of education", teacher E. Ponomareva.

3 place - the republican pedagogical essay competition "Kozkaras", the scientific and methodological center "ZIAT", Astana, the teacher of T. Alimbaev.

3 rd place - II republican remote pedagogical competition "Innovative methods and technologies of education", teacher Z. Shagatayev.


Grand Prix - regional dance competition "Tobyl Tokyny" - dance collective of the college, 2014.

1st place - professional competition "The best emblem for the 75th anniversary of  VET", teacher A. Altergot

1st place - interregional scientific-practical conference among scientific reports in English, Pavlodar, 2014, Zhanagul Zhanburbayeva

1st place - interregional scientific and practical conference among scientific reports in English, Pavlodar, 2014, Kulyash Bashkentaeva

1 place - regional debate tournament "Dostyk", Kostanay, 2014, Ayym Bakhytzhan

1 place - city cup in cross-country skiing, 2014, Ulyana Klimova

1st place - Kostanay city championship in volleyball among women teams of VET institutions - college team, 2015.

1 place - 1 stage of the summer championship of the Kostanay region on cross-country skiing, 2015, Ekaterina Boyko

1 place - regional competition in athletics, Kostanay, 2015, Ekaterina Nikiforova

1 place - regional debating tournament among colleges for the cup of the British format, 2015.

1 place - regional contest of Club of the Funny and Inventive teams with the state language, Rudnyi, 2015, college team

1 place - competition of scientific projects among students and students of the colleges of the region, 2015, Aigerim Baimagambetova

2 nd place - regional competition on knowledge of Russian language among students in the state language "Language – key to knowledge", 2014, Araylym Tulkenova

2 nd place - the regional debating tournament "Family is the main treasure of Kazakhstan society", 2014, Nazym Serikova

2 nd place - regional competition of scientific projects "The creative potential of young people is the future of Kazakhstan", 2014, Aigerim Esmagambetova

2 place - regional competition of young artists "Zhas Tolkyn 2014", Vera Gutnik

2 nd place - regional volleyball tournament among colleges - college team, 2014.

2 nd place - cross-country skiing among the VET of Kostanai region, 2014, Ulyana Klimova

2 place, 2 place, 2 place, 3 place, - 1 stage of the summer championship in Kostanay region on cross-country skiing (different distances), 2015, Ulyana Klimova

2 place - regional competitions in cross-country skiing, 2014, Ekaterina Boyko

2 nd place - regional checkers tournament, 2014, Nazym Serikova

2 place, 3 place, 3 place - the summer championship of the Kostanay region on cross-country skiing (various distances), 2015.

2 nd place - a small women's relay among Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions in the 67th track and field relay race for prizes of the regional newspaper "Kostanai News", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War - track and field team of the college, 2015.

2 nd place - "Tyn 2015" regional sports contest, 2015, Nazgul Kuanyshova

2 place - regional Spartakiad among colleges (track and field athletics), 2015, Natalia Petrova

2 nd place - regional contest of folk art, nomination "Dombyra", 2015, Aidar Aitzhanov

2 place - regional League Club of the Funny and Inventive team of college, 2015.

3 place - the summer championship of the Kostanay region on skiing, 2015, Ulyana Klimova

3 place - city basketball competitions among students of educational institutions of VET - college team

3 place - the regional championship in track and field athletics, 2014, Ekaterina Boyko.

3 rd place - regional championship in track and field athletics, 2015, Ekaterina Vasilyuk

2 place - city tennis tournament in KEnEU, 2015, Gulnura Zhalmurzina

3 place - regional sports days among courtyard clubs in table tennis, 2015, Gulnura Zhalmurzin

3 place - open Championship of Kostanay region on track and field athletics in the room (3000m), 2015, Natalia Petrova

The third place is the open Championships of athletics in Kostanay region (1000m), 2015, Natalia Petrova

"Prize of Patrons" - nomination "Shabyt", Kostanay city, teacher Myzin TS

Diploma for the best article in the competition of scientific articles of Kostanai AD "NCQ" Orleu", teacher L. Artjushina.

"Prize of Patrons" - nomination "Shabyt", Kostanay, teacher A. Dukenova.


Раисов Рамазан Елеусизович,  директор, «Озат»  Ақпараттық технологиялар мамандандырылған мектеп-лицей-интернаты» КММ, Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігінің «Ыбырай Алтынсарин» төсбелгісі, қамқоршылық кеңесінің төрағасы




Аминова Алия Рафиковна,   ата-аналар қоғамының өкілі, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі





Досмакова Динара Жакиевна,  директор, «Қостанай қаласы білім бөлімінің №5 бөбекжай-бақшасы» КМҚК, меңгеруші, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі




Елеусизова Гульжан Амановна,  директор, «Ақ Нұр плюс» ЖШС, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі





Есиркепова Кенжегуль Кабылгазиновна , директор, Ө.Сұлтанғазин атындағы педагогикалық институты, «Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы атындағы Қостанай өңірлік университеті» коммерциялық емес акционерлік қоғамы, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі




Иманова Зухра Утепбергеновна,  директор, «Қостанай қаласы әкімдігінің мәдениет және тілдерді дамыту бөлімінің «Мирас» қалалық мәдениет сарайы» МКҚК, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі



Ищанова Асель Маратовна, директор, «KAZGUU SCHOOL» ЖШС, атқарушы қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі





Келинбердиева Ырсалды Сиелхановна, директор, Қостанай облысы әкімдігі білім басқармасының  «Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы мамандандырылған мектеп- гимназия- интернаты» КММ, Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігінің «Ыбырай Алтынсарин» төсбелгісі, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі




Курганбаева Виктория Васильевна, директор, «Baby Time» балалар білім беру орталықтарының желісі, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі




Майбасова Бибигуль Каршигановна,  ата-аналар қоғамының өкілі, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі



Нурканова Шолпан Бакчановнаэ.г.м., аспирант, әлеуметтік кәсіпкер, «Уникум» жылдам оқу және интеллектті дамыту мектебінің құрылтайшысы, «Лидеры изменений», ҚҚ-ның тең құрылтайшысы, «БҰҰ-Қазақстан әйелдері» жаттықтырушысы, ҚР Президенті жанындағы Мемлекеттік басқару академиясының жаттықтырушысы, ПІБ МТСО-ның жаттықтырушысы, Қазақстанның Бизнес-ханымының елшісі 2023-2023жж, бизнес-жаттықтырушы, тәлімгер, Қостанай қаласының Гендерлік орталығының мүшесі, Қостанай облысы әкімдігінің жастар ісі жөніндегі кеңесінің мүшесі. «Ерен еңбегі үшін» медалімен марапатталған, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі



Оспанова Кунжаркын Тулендыевнаата-аналар қоғамының өкілі, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі



Алпысов Арман Амиржанович қалалық мәслихат депутаты, қамқоршылық кеңесінің мүшесі




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