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Понедельник, 10 июня 2019 19:00

Everything is easy, when you are crazy, and nothing is easy if you are lazy…

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These words are very true. For example, all of us – scouts of Kostanay pedagogical college who study scouting, do not see difficulties, because we like scouting too much, we support each other, share experiences, learn something from others.

May 23, 2019, was the first scout meeting of the school department № 2 The organizers of this event were mentors of scouts of KPC Shagataeva Zauresh Zharasbaevna and Askarov Muhamedkaly Siilovich. Their assistants were 3rd and 4th year students of groups A-32, A-41, U-41. They are Lysenko Alexandr, Amirkhanova Zhanur, Karin Valery Moldabaev Alisher, and many others.

The event began with a greeting and presentation of the jury, whose members were Temirbrkova Aigul Tolegenovna, Glivina Eugenia Victorovna, and 2th , 4th year students Uralbaeva Alua and Muhina Yana.

 There were 5 scout teams consisting of first-and second-year students. Each team consisted of five people, including the commander. The task of the first stage is to present the team to the jury: its name, motto. The names of teams were unusual, and their mottos energized with positive energy. The 1st team was Aurora, the 2nd – Flame, the 3rd Golden Eagles, the 4th Phoenix, and the last one – Special Royal Squad. The teams competed in five directions: tying knots, topographic signs, pendulum, orientation in azimuth, pits and installation of tents. It was funny, because we were in nature. The weather was wonderful. There was a spirit of rivalry, but it was won by human qualities of our children, such as the help, mutual support, and s.o. In the end of the competition, the participants sang songs with a guitar next to the tents.

Then the moment of summing up of competition, determination of winners came.

In the nomination "For the best performance of the song" was awarded ‘Special Royal Squad’ team.

In the nomination "Best team performance" was awarded ‘Golden Eagles’ team. The 3rd  place was awarded ‘Flame’ scout team, the 2nd place won the team named ‘Phoenix’ , and the 1st , well-deserved place was given to the ‘Aurora’

I think that it was difficult to choose best of teams, because all of them were worthy. All of them first.

Alsu Irzhanova,

 student of group AR-23


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