Управления образования акимата Костанайской области

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В общежитии КГКП «Костанайский высший педагогический колледж» Управления образования акимата Костанайской области имеются 8 свободных мест. Стоимость проживания в общежитии 18 000 т. в месяц.

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Пятница, 09 августа 2019 11:25

Teachers of Kostanay pedagogical College showed their skills in Italy

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(5 голосов)

From 26 to 30 July, the social partners of the College - ensemble "Akzhelen" and dance ensemble "Kostanayskie Zori" Kostanay Philharmonic society of a name of E. Umurzakov, which includes teachers of the Department of culture of the College, participated in the 43rd International folklore festival of dance and music "Paranthas Ethnodance" in the city of Sardinia, Italy.

Within 5 days, creative teams from all over the world (Peru, Colombia, Serbia, Romania, Bolivia, Ecuador, etc.) showed national traditions, carnival defiles, national costumes and their numbers.

Elena Borskaya - the chief choreographer of the dance ensemble "Kostanay dawns", a teacher of special disciplines of the College, said: "we had the most vivid and emotional delegation at the carnival-defile. We marched in columns through the streets of Sardinia. Everyone greeted us. I would like to note that other participants were more conservative in presenting their national culture. We have the same, no matter what the performance - new costumes, different music. We were greeted with special warmth!".

We are proud of highly qualified professionals from the group "Akzhelen", teachers of our College by Bainazarova B. K. Nurgaliev M. K., from the ensemble "Kostanayskie Zori" Borskay E. V., Borskiy M. Y., and Bukenbaev A. N., Zharkenov  K. S., Protopopova A. S..  We wish you great victories in broadcasting best practices, as well as in teaching on the best traditions of world experience and its implementation in your classes!

Kubzhasarova Zh.I,

deputy Director

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