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На специальности 01140100 Педагогика и методика начального обучения, квалификации 4S01140101 Учитель начального образования, русский язык обучения, 3 курс, на базе основного среднего образования освободилось одно бюджетное место.

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Our achievements for the 2014-2015 academic year

International contests:

Grand Prix - international vocal competition "Moscow time", Moscow, 2015, Zhalgas Ryspaev

1 st place - creative competition "I and music", Yuzhnouralsk city, teacher T. Myzin

1 place - international dance competition "Moscow time", Moscow, teacher K. Zharkenov

1st place - international dance competition "Moscow time", Moscow, teacher A. Dukenova

1 place - the international vocal contest "Moscow time", Moscow, 2015, Diana Alshinbaeva

1 st place - international dance competition "Moscow time", Moscow, 2015, dance group of the college

2 nd place - international pedagogical Olympiad- a team of students, 2015.

3 rd place - XI All-Russia Festival of Folk Art named after A.P. Mystyukov "You are Russia, my heart and my song!", Lipetsk, teacher N. Berlimov

The third place in the international pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher for gifted children", teacher K. Zharkenov.

The third place - the rating of the colleges of Kazakhstan in terms of international standards (profile-pedagogical colleges), conducted by an independent agency for the accreditation of educational institutions.

3 rd place - XI All-Russia Festival of Folk Art named after A.P. Mystyukov "You are Russia, my heart and my song!", Lipetsk, teacher E. Ovsyannikova

The nomination " Master of his craft" - international pedagogical Olympiad "Talented Teacher for Gifted Children", teacher A. Bukenbaev


Super-Grand Prix - Republican contest "Kostanay-2014" - dance group of the college, 2014.

1 place - Republican competition "Panorama of young teachers open lessons", scientific and methodological center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher M. Borskiy.

1 place - republican essay contest, 2014, Rosa Gabidullina

1 place - championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among schoolchildren in skiing, 2014, Ulyana Klimova

1 place - republican contest of pedagogical detachments Shchuchinsk city nomination "Creative Review-2015" - college team, 2015

2 place - championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among schoolchildren in cross-country skiing, 2014, Ekaterina Boyko

2 place - the republican contest "Zhas galym", Astana, the scientific and practical center "Ziyat", the teacher A. Eralina.

2 place - Republican contest "My best presentation for the lesson", scientific and methodical center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher Y. Sukhova.

2 place - the national competition "My best presentation for the lesson", the scientific and methodological center "ZIAT", Astana, the teacher M. Borsky.

2 place - the republican contest " Panorama of young teachers open lessons", ZIAT Scientific and Methodological Center, Astana, teacher K. Zharkenov.

2 nd place - republican contest "Best Innovative Lesson", scientific and methodical center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher K. Zhunusova.

2 place - the republican contest "Best Innovative Lesson", scientific and methodical center "ZIAT", Astana, teacher S. Dospanova.

3 place is the republican competition "Zhas galym", the scientific and practical center "Ziyat", Astana, the teacher T. Stepanova.

3rd place - II Republican remote pedagogical competition "Innovative methods and technologies of education", teacher E. Ponomareva.

3 place - the republican pedagogical essay competition "Kozkaras", the scientific and methodological center "ZIAT", Astana, the teacher of T. Alimbaev.

3 rd place - II republican remote pedagogical competition "Innovative methods and technologies of education", teacher Z. Shagatayev.


Grand Prix - regional dance competition "Tobyl Tokyny" - dance collective of the college, 2014.

1st place - professional competition "The best emblem for the 75th anniversary of  VET", teacher A. Altergot

1st place - interregional scientific-practical conference among scientific reports in English, Pavlodar, 2014, Zhanagul Zhanburbayeva

1st place - interregional scientific and practical conference among scientific reports in English, Pavlodar, 2014, Kulyash Bashkentaeva

1 place - regional debate tournament "Dostyk", Kostanay, 2014, Ayym Bakhytzhan

1 place - city cup in cross-country skiing, 2014, Ulyana Klimova

1st place - Kostanay city championship in volleyball among women teams of VET institutions - college team, 2015.

1 place - 1 stage of the summer championship of the Kostanay region on cross-country skiing, 2015, Ekaterina Boyko

1 place - regional competition in athletics, Kostanay, 2015, Ekaterina Nikiforova

1 place - regional debating tournament among colleges for the cup of the British format, 2015.

1 place - regional contest of Club of the Funny and Inventive teams with the state language, Rudnyi, 2015, college team

1 place - competition of scientific projects among students and students of the colleges of the region, 2015, Aigerim Baimagambetova

2 nd place - regional competition on knowledge of Russian language among students in the state language "Language – key to knowledge", 2014, Araylym Tulkenova

2 nd place - the regional debating tournament "Family is the main treasure of Kazakhstan society", 2014, Nazym Serikova

2 nd place - regional competition of scientific projects "The creative potential of young people is the future of Kazakhstan", 2014, Aigerim Esmagambetova

2 place - regional competition of young artists "Zhas Tolkyn 2014", Vera Gutnik

2 nd place - regional volleyball tournament among colleges - college team, 2014.

2 nd place - cross-country skiing among the VET of Kostanai region, 2014, Ulyana Klimova

2 place, 2 place, 2 place, 3 place, - 1 stage of the summer championship in Kostanay region on cross-country skiing (different distances), 2015, Ulyana Klimova

2 place - regional competitions in cross-country skiing, 2014, Ekaterina Boyko

2 nd place - regional checkers tournament, 2014, Nazym Serikova

2 place, 3 place, 3 place - the summer championship of the Kostanay region on cross-country skiing (various distances), 2015.

2 nd place - a small women's relay among Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions in the 67th track and field relay race for prizes of the regional newspaper "Kostanai News", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War - track and field team of the college, 2015.

2 nd place - "Tyn 2015" regional sports contest, 2015, Nazgul Kuanyshova

2 place - regional Spartakiad among colleges (track and field athletics), 2015, Natalia Petrova

2 nd place - regional contest of folk art, nomination "Dombyra", 2015, Aidar Aitzhanov

2 place - regional League Club of the Funny and Inventive team of college, 2015.

3 place - the summer championship of the Kostanay region on skiing, 2015, Ulyana Klimova

3 place - city basketball competitions among students of educational institutions of VET - college team

3 place - the regional championship in track and field athletics, 2014, Ekaterina Boyko.

3 rd place - regional championship in track and field athletics, 2015, Ekaterina Vasilyuk

2 place - city tennis tournament in KEnEU, 2015, Gulnura Zhalmurzina

3 place - regional sports days among courtyard clubs in table tennis, 2015, Gulnura Zhalmurzin

3 place - open Championship of Kostanay region on track and field athletics in the room (3000m), 2015, Natalia Petrova

The third place is the open Championships of athletics in Kostanay region (1000m), 2015, Natalia Petrova

"Prize of Patrons" - nomination "Shabyt", Kostanay city, teacher Myzin TS

Diploma for the best article in the competition of scientific articles of Kostanai AD "NCQ" Orleu", teacher L. Artjushina.

"Prize of Patrons" - nomination "Shabyt", Kostanay, teacher A. Dukenova.



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