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Our achievements for the 2016-2017 academic year


1 place - the international competition of performers on folk instruments, Yuzhnouralsk, M. Nurgaliev

3 place - international basketball tournament, S. Gessel

The diploma is the international competition "Shabyt", Astana, A. Dukenova, K. Zharkenov

Nomination "Active participant" - international creative contest "Generous Autumn", A. Miroshnichenko, 2017


1 place - championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on street basketball, S. Gessel

1 place - republican pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher to gifted children" master’s degree, A. Bukenbayev.

A diploma of the 2nd degree in the contest "Best Master Class Development", the Republican Information and Methodological Center "Prosveshchenie" in Astana, L. Podkalyuk

The third place in the republican pedagogical olympiad "Talented teacher - gifted children", section of natural and mathematical sciences, Zh. Demesinova

Laureates - VII Republican festival of the Polish song "Singing Polona", Kokshetau, E. Zavatskaya, A. Zavatskaya


Grand Prix - Flash mob contest among the Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions and universities, A. Dukenova, K. Zharkenov

Grand prix - flash mob contest among Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions and universities, college team in 2017

1 place - Regional Festival of Multimedia Projects (nomination "Web-programming, Web-design"), A. Duisenbayeva

1 st place - participation in the program of the 32 Games of the Kostanay region "Tselina - 2017" among men's teams, S. Gessel

1 place - regional competition of articles devoted to the 175th anniversary of I.Altynsarin, AD "NCQ" Orleu", T. Tkachenko

1 place - championship of Kostanay region in the shot put, 2016, I. Mehbaliyeva

1 place - track and field championship in Kostanay region for long jump, 2016, E. Vasilyuk

1 place - basketball 3х3 among teams of girls dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan among colleges of the city of Kostanay, 2016.

1 place - basketball 3х3 among teams of girls of the college in the age group 1999-2000 of birth, 2016.

1 place - basketball 3х3 among teams of college girls in the age group of 1996-98, 2016.

1 place - city sports days among secondary specialized schools on checkers, 2016, team

The first place is the regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", KEnEU, N. Muzdakbaeva

1 place - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", KEnEU, Zh.Kalieva

The first place is the regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", KEnEU, T. Tasbulatova

1 st place - IV Interregional scientific and practical conference of college students in a foreign language "Development of the creative potential of the individual and society", Pavlodar, 2017, I. Ismagulova

1 place - the regional festival of multimedia projects, 2017, O. Derkacheva, R. Bisikeev

1 place - scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of formation of ecological culture of youth", Rudny, 2017, V. Kusainova

The first place in the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in track and field athletics in long jump with a run, S. Uristemova

The first place is the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of Kazakhstan in track and field athletics at a distance of 100 meters, S. Uristemova

2 place - Olympiad "Erudite" regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryni", L. Podkalyuk

2 place - regional competition of translators dedicated to EXPO-2017, E. Ponomareva

2 place - city sports days among secondary special educational institutions in Togyz-kumalak, 2016, general team

2 place - a competition of scientific projects among teachers and students of the colleges "Otanim - tauelsiz Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017, S. Omirbek, Zh. Kalieva

2 place - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017" at KEnEU, A. Miroshnichenko

2 place - IV Interregional scientific and practical conference of students of colleges in a foreign language "Development of the creative potential of the individual and society", Pavlodar, 2017, S. Omirbek

2 place - scientific and practical conference "Intellectual potential of youth - a pledge of successful industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan", Kostanai, 2017, Polytechnic College, A. Boldusova and I. Ismagulova.

2 place - program 31 Spartakiad Games of Uzunkol region "Tyn-Tselina 2017" in track and field athletics (long jump), I. Mehbaliyeva

2 place - "Ak Biday" Regional Spartakiad of long jump, E. Vasyelyuk

2 place - track and field athletics championship of Kostanay region in the 50 m. race, 2016, E. Vasilyuk

3 place - basketball competition "25th anniversary of independence" - S.Gessel

3 place - V regional sports contest 2016 -2017

3 place - Open championship of the city of Lisakovsk in track and field athletics at the distance of 300m, 2016, I. Mekhbaliyeva

3  place - the track and field athletics championship of Kostanay region in the 50 m. race, 2016, E. Nikiforova

3 place - program 31 Spartakiad Games of Uzunkol region "Tyn-Tselina 2017" in track and field athletics (shot put), I. Mehbaliyeva

3 place - program 31 Spartakiad Games of Uzunkol region "Tyn-Tselina 2017" in track and field athletics (running 100 meters), I. Mehbaliyeva

The third place in the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in track and field athletics at the distance, S. Uristemova

The third place is the program of the regional zone sports contest "Tselina - 2017" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in shooting from air rifles, S. Uristemova.

Nominations "Art" - the competition "Televisions "Zhyl adamy", G. Sokov.

Nominations "Choreography" - competition "Televisions "Zhyl adamy", A.Dukenova

Nominations "Television broadcast" - the contest "Televisions “Zhyl Adam", A. Moldakalikova

Nomination "Creative solution" - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas-galym-2017", A. Batyrkhanova

Nomination "Creative decision" - regional scientific and practical conference "Zhas- galym -2017", D. Khizhnyak



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