Управления образования акимата Костанайской области

 Основан в 1963 году                 

г.Костанай, ул. Быковского 9,  корпус 1Б
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На специальности 01140100 Педагогика и методика начального обучения, квалификации 4S01140101 Учитель начального образования, русский язык обучения, 3 курс, на базе основного среднего образования освободилось одно бюджетное место.

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History of the college

Kustanay Russian Pedagogical Vocational School in archives was first mentioned in 1935, although there are references to 1932, which evidenced by the following documents.

1936 was a difficult year for a pedagogical school. The pedagogical school was located in a one-storey brick building, there was no place for the staffroom, extra-curricular work. About 300 students studied at the vocational school.

In 1937 the school had 6 groups of full-time education, 8 groups of correspondence training, 2 groups of the evening courses. School enrolment was more than 500 people.

In 1940 I.V. Losevskoy was appointed director of the Russian pedagogical vocational school. In 1943 the Kustanay stationary pedagogical school was transferred to the Borovoye village of the Mendygara district.

In 1944 so-called "correspondence training school" was organized in Kustanay by the Regional Department of Public Education. Boris Dmitrievich Melyokhin was appointed director. In 1951 at Melyokhin's personal request, he was dismissed from director duties and left as a teacher and reviewer of the pedagogical school. Nina Mikhailovna Berezan was appointed director. In July 1954 the Mendygara correspondence department of the pedagogical school was closed, and correspondence school students were transferred to Kustanay Correspondence Pedagogical Vocational School, located on Kalinin Street, 30 (a building of Kirov Secondary School). In this building, winter and summer sessions were held, and during the intersessional period teachers visited districts for consultations.

In 1963 primary education faculty in Kostanay Pedagogical Institute was abolished, and Kustanay Pedagogical Vocational School was revived on its base. At that time, the pedagogical school was located in the old adapted building on Pushkin Street, 33, and in 1966 it was transferred to another building of Kustanay Construction Technical School.

It was also very old and located 6 blocks from the first building, which created great inconvenience in the work. Both buildings had stove heating, there were no rooms for the gym and assembly hall. The first director in May 1963 was appointed Serova Rimma Pavlovna, a graduate of the Ural University. She came for new post from Kustanay Secondary School №14, where she worked as a director of studies.

The first class teachers were Mariya Alexandrovna Kiselyova – Russian Language and Literature teacher, Mikhail Mikhailovich Yelishev – the Great Patriotic War veteran, Mathematics teacher, and later a school department head.

The first recruitment was based on 8 grades: 4 groups for primary school teachers training. The pedagogical staff was selected for this number. Kadyrova Gulchachak Shagirovna was appointed director of studies, who previously worked at Troitsk Pedagogical Vocational School. Skorodinskaya Tamara Ilyinichna changed Kadyrova G.Sh. in 1965. Before she worked as a class teacher and Literature and Psychology teacher.

The first class teachers were Mariya Alexandrovna Kiselyova – Russian Language and Literature teacher, Mikhail Mikhailovich Yelishev – the Great Patriotic War veteran, Mathematics teacher, and later a school department head.

The first teachers came from schools. They are Alexey Pavlovich Samoylenko, Elvira Georgievna Marchenko, Alexandra Andreyevna Turchaninova. A staff of like-minded people was created in a short time, capable to train specialists. Oleynik Grigoriy Semyonovich takes a particular place among teachers, he is the Great Patriotic War veteran, training practice deputy director.

The first graduation of students in 1967 showed that the vocational school staff set goals with honour having overcome all difficulties. Reviews about the graduates were excellent, not a single complaint from schools.

In the 1960s the system of pre-school institutions was expanded at an accelerated pace in the Kustanay region. In 1970 the pre-school department was opened in the school to solve the problem of training personnel for kindergartens. Anna Mikhailovna Drobysheva, Galina Filippovna Zayarko, Vera Kapitonovna Kuznetsova, Inessa Vitalyevna Chufistova, Olga Alexandrovna Mayer, Valentina Grigoryevna Demyanenko, and others were at the origins of its creation. In 1972 the school moved to a new building on Pushkin Street, 140.

In 1976 Olga Mikhailovna Onishchenko, a former party worker, was appointed director of the pedagogical vocational school.

In 1978 a correspondence department was opened in the pedagogical vocational school. It was headed by Galina Filippovna Zayarko. 

Olga Mikhailovna Onishchenko paid much attention to strengthening the material base. Thanks to her active work in 1981, a new building (educational building and hostel) of the pedagogical school was opened on Bykovskiy Street, 9.

In 1982 Valentina Petrovna Sal’nik was appointed director of the vocational school, which continued work to strengthen the material base.

Rikhter Mariya Georgievna, a deputy director of educational work, was respected in the staff.

In 1989 the department with the Kazakh language training was opened to prepare the specialists for pre-school institutions. Teachers of the department have done a lot to promote the state language, Kazakh culture.

Graduates remembered the teachers Varvara Grigoryevna Shelepova, Anna Matveyevna Chernova, Boris Dmitrievich Tyunin, Grigoriy Semyonovich Oleynik, Raisa Georgievna Letunovskaya, Alexandra Nikolaevna Tumanshina, Valentina Ivanovna Knyazeva, Olga Kazimirovna Dominetskaya, Alexey Petrovich Altukhov, Yuriy Nikolaevich Allerborn and others.

In 1990 Bekturganova Rimma Chingisovna was elected director by a general vote of the pedagogical staff.

In 1991 the department with the Kazakh language training was headed by Kulyash Akhmetovna Karabaeva.

In 1991 the college approached the problem solution of the uninterrupted education: the educational-scientific-methodological complex "pedagogical institute – pedagogical school" was organized on the basis of the pedagogical vocational school. The idea of ​​creating the complex belongs to the pedagogical school director Bekturganova R.Ch. The oldest teacher of the pedagogical institute Mar’in Alexey Mikhailovich headed the creative group for the development of end-to-end complex programs, he was appointed dean of the faculty, the pedagogical college teacher Shchur Valentina Vasilyevna was appointed deputy dean. There were 2 departments in the complex: the Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education Department (head of the department Vera Iosifovna Petrichenko) and the Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool Education Department (head of the department Tatyana Savvichna Arabadzhi).

In accordance with the agreement, the right to study in the complex was provided to Rudnyi and Kustanay pedagogical vocational schools students, who successfully graduated and received a recommendation from the teachers' council. In the 1991-1992 academic year, the first recruitment of 60 faculty students was created. In the complex, students under the guidance of qualified teachers of the institute and vocational school mastered not only knowledge, but also had the opportunity to do scientific work.

For the first time in the pedagogical school diploma papers began to be presented, which had value for schools and pre-school institutions practical teachers of the city and the region. Studying in a complex, students in parallel had an opportunity to get specializations: Geography teacher, defectologist, Kazakh teacher in primary schools and pre-school institutions. Annual scientific and practical conferences became a tradition.

In 1992 Kustanay Pedagogical Vocational School received the status of a college.

One of the important tasks to set before the staff was the creation of a new educational institution model for training tomorrow school specialists.

In 1992 a pedagogical lyceum began to function in the college.

47 lyceum students, who finished the 7th form of secondary school, were accepted into the lyceum on the basis of report cards competition.

The aim of the lyceum is to provide good general education, to reveal the professional orientation of students' interests and to prepare students for pedagogical education. The lyceum was headed by the teacher of the college Raiser Natalya Petrovna.

Lyceum students had shown themselves to be the most creative bright and interesting representatives of college students. The events organized in the lyceum (Lyceum Day, debates) were attracted attention and interest from all college teachers and students. Finishing lyceum, best lyceum students had an opportunity to get a secondary special education in the college.

In 1996, a new specialty "Home Education" was opened in the college. In accordance with the qualification, specialists of this profile were ready to work in pre-school institutions, schools and family as tutors.

In 1997 for the first time the college carried out an enrolment in "Foreign Language" specialty. The first teachers in this specialty were young specialists, graduates of Kustanay State University: Dunaeva Olesya Yuryevna, Makhnach Yelena Mikhailovna, Godienko Lyubov Vladimirovna, etc. The experienced teacher Altukhova Lydiya Fedorovna headed the department.

In the 1999-2000 academic year Kostanay College of Culture became a department of Kostanay Pedagogical College.

In 2010, Galiya Ulmeskhanovna Urazambetova was appointed Director of Kostanay Pedagogical College.

Galiya Ulmeskhanovna is a pedagogical vocational school graduate of 1981, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, a member of the Republican Council for self-knowledge, winner of regional competitions in the nominations "The Heart Given to Children" (2014), "Our Director is the Best" (2014).

The pride of Kostanay Pedagogical College: Berezhnova Yelena Viktorovna – PhD (1981 graduation), Niyazbaeva Natalya Nikolaevna – candidate of pedagogical sciences, Bisembaevna Aigansha Aidarbekovna – candidate of pedagogical sciences (1972), Bevz Irina Alexandrovna – candidate of pedagogical sciences, Mordanova Svetlana Mugtasimovna – candidate of pedagogical sciences (2001), Karimova Saule Yelyusizovna – director of Kostanay School-gymnasium № 24A (1976), Kadralinova Asel Alibayevna – teacher of Kazakh State Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov (2003), Shibelgut Anna Egorovna – director of nursery school № 69, Sarycheva Lidiya Nikolaevna – director of Kostanay School-gymnasium № 5A (1977), etc.



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