Управления образования акимата Костанайской области

 Основан в 1963 году                 

г.Костанай, ул. Быковского 9,  корпус 1Б
Учебная часть: +7 (7142) 26 26 41


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В общежитии КГКП «Костанайский высший педагогический колледж» Управления образования акимата Костанайской области имеются 4 свободных места. Стоимость проживания в общежитии 18 000 т. в месяц.

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0403000 "Socio-cultural activities and folk art" Qualification 040301-3

0403000 "Socio-cultural activities and folk art "

Qualification 0403013


Qualification 0403013 "teacher-organizer, head of the orchestra of folk instruments", " teacher-organizer, head of the children's musical group»

Entrance examinations should identify the degree of preparedness and talent of the applicant in the field of their chosen specialty.

2 applicants take a competitive examination:

1. Vocal and instrumental skills.

2. Musical data and musical abilities.

Applicants pass the competitive exam in music in the following volume:

1. Possession of the instrument (singing).

2. Sense of rhythm.

3. Intonation.

4. Ear for music.

5. Musical memory.

Make demands:

The entrant must show playing a musical instrument or singing a song.

Have a musical ear, a sense of rhythm, have a musical memory.

Evaluation criterion:

1. Possession of the tool (or the song) - 5 points

2. Sense of rhythm - 5 points

3. Intonation - 5 points

4. Musical ear-5 points

5. Musical memory-5 points



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